Sunday, April 26, 2009

Is it drafty in here...?

I've been instructed once again to update my blog. So here we go again. It's cold and rainy today so I don't really feel like an extensive update. Of course most days I don't feel like an extensive update but today I am using the weather as an excuse. Although you might ask why does the weather outside affect my ability to go blah blah blah on my computer inside? I can't answer that.

Enough chatter.

This morning I decided to haul my sorry butt out of bed and to the grocery store. Not all together unusual for a Sunday morning. After my awesome date last night (and by "awesome" I mean "awful"), I didn't really feel like accomplishing anything today but of course I have to have food for the week. Not that I actually got enough food for the week. I'm really a terrible grocery shopper. I go in and get distracted by all the shiny things and I walk out without ever getting anything useful so I'll have lots of random things but only things that work when combined with other things that i didn't actually get (ie a can of chickpeas -- I guess i could grind it up and make hummus but then I'd need garlic...damn!).

Anywho, I'm at the grocery store. Doing the grocery store thing. The store is fairly busy. I notice that I seem to be getting more than the usual amount of odd looks from passersby. Undeterred I bravely continued shopping. I got my little basket full of random stuff and proceeded to check out and pay and leave the store. When I get to my car and put all my packages in the trunk then -- and only then -- do I notice that my zipper was down.

All the way down.

All the way.


And I suspect it was down the whole time.

I really need new pants.

1 comment:

Old Stinky Cat Lady said...

HAhAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Oh todd, you kill me.. woo, *wipes tears from my eyes* Holy shit that's awesome.

so to make you feel slightly better, I was hiking up a waterfall in Maui and one of our zillion friends that partook in this event with me asked if he could get a picture of me. I obliged and promptly fell down the waterfall. In front of everyone. It hurt. I am sure it was captured on camera. evidence of my stupidity.