Monday, April 27, 2009

Hey hot stuff!

Now a comedic episode that is not at my expense. Today at work I was talking with Tall Secretary and she made a weird face and I told her not to waggle her eyebrows at me. Pregnant Secretary overheard and joked that Tall Secretary was hitting on me. We all laughed. Then I walked down the hall to get some water (while I still can). I was still talking with Tall Secretary but one of our law clerks walked past her and walked in to my neighbor's office. For some reason the law clerk was dressed in dungarees and a t-shirt. He then walked out and walked past the desks of Tall and Pregnant. Pregnant, still talking to me ,shouts out "Hey hot stuff!" At which point our law clerk freezes in his tracks, slowly turns around, and sheepishly walks back to Pregnant to see if in fact she was talking to him. When she realized what she'd done, she turned bright red. I turned red-er from sympathetic embarrassment. In short, it was awesome. This is the same secretary who once publicly offered to help me in the bathroom when she thought I said I had to grab something from my car. It's always good to know that there's someone more inclined to put their foot in their mouth than me.

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