Friday, January 30, 2009


I generally think I'm pretty good with people. I don't tend to get too caught up in silly things and I think I'm easy to get along with (although when I receive motions to suppress on Friday afternoons it's all I can do not to go completely circus-freak crazy and declare jihad, but that's another post).

I point this out only because tonight was one of those rare circumstances when I had absolutely NO idea how to handle the interpersonal situation in which I found myself. To wit: I kind of had a date tonight but it was also not a date. A few years ago I met this guy and we became friends, then we dated for awhile. Then we both moved away and we lost contact for a couple years. We reconnected a few weeks ago and we were finally able to hang out tonight. We went and saw the movie Doubt (which was a good movie (and we also ran into my judge there which was totally unexpected)) and I spent the whole time trying to decide whether we were there on a date or there as friends. It was really bizarre to know someone pretty well and to have a history and still have no idea how to deal with them. Sometimes we'd laugh and look at each other and it was one way and then 10 seconds later it was the opposite. It was maddening!

Now I sit here puzzled. I guess this is just the control freak in me trying to put everything into its neat little category with its little label so that i know how to process it. I should probably not stress about it and just let whatever happens happen... Good luck with that, I know.

Oh well, I guess since I can't do anything about it I'm going to do something productive like clean up my kitchen.


Old Stinky Cat Lady said...

HAHAH. Hmmmm this is quite the predicament ... There are a few ways you could handle the situation:

1. Text or call him saying you had a good time and that you should hang out again, pick apart his response.

2. Ask him what he has been up to since you lost touch, see what he says and if it includes seeing somebody else. Then if he asks you the same, just respond like, "Oh I havne't been up to much, just casually dating and working too hard." Then judge his response, trap him into a corner with his relationship status.

3. Be sneaky. Check to see if he has a blog, myspace, facebook etc and see if it says "in a relationship."

Or.. You could just ask him.

Anonymous said...

Ha...all the things that she said! I would probably do #1. Are you interested in rekindling????