Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Outlining sucks

Netflix is great.  It’s like Christmas every couple of days.  Well… Christmas on a shoe-string budget.  It’s particularly great during finals time as it gives me ample opportunities to avoid the work I should be doing, (i.e. studying for entertainment law).  Today I happened upon an outline for that class, so it takes a ton of weight off me.  Though not literally as I happened to eat way too much for dinner tonight.  I went to Bombay House with Brad and Emily and ate a huge amount of a spicy chicken dish with coconut milk and rice with cilantro.  Good times.  I’m hoping to hit my stride with this studying thing soon.  What the heck was I thinking setting up a schedule with four finals during my last semester?

Yesterday at the Minority Law Caucus auction, I ended up buying a dinner for four at Professor Kogan’s house.  $85!  It had better be darned tasty.  This was a total peer pressure moment where my friends Brett and John stared me down until I bid on the stupid dinner.  The thing is, Kogan hates me!  Well… he may not hate me, but considering that my seminar paper was for his class and I turned it in over a year and a half late, and as such I had spent the last 18 months ducking every time I saw him coming down the hall…

So I’m sitting here, enjoying my Netflix selection of the week, slowly working my way through the fourth season of the HBO series OZ, and resolving not to commit crimes.  Frankly I don’t think I’d make a good prisoner.  I’m just not angry enough.  Anyway, my attention is wandering so I’ll wrap this up.  

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