Tuesday, April 18, 2006

last last day

So today was my last day of classes.  Again, my last last day of school.  Wow.  It’s starting to sink in, but it still hasn’t yet.  Granted I still have two yucky weeks of finals ahead of me and I’m not entirely sure that I’ll be able to pass my bankruptcy class, but assuming that I somehow make it through, I’m gonna graduate!

Tonight is the family law clinic.  Yee-hah.  This is a great project where people with family law related problems and who are unable to afford an attorney come to the courthouse and are assisted by law students and lawyers free of charge.  

It’s a great cause and it really helps people but at the same time it’s sometimes hard to handle because by and large because we’re often dealing with people without much formal education and who feel completely overwhelmed by the system.  So I go and I listen and I try to help with what little knowledge I have.  And I worry that I’m steering people in the right direction, that I’m giving people good advice that will help them and not mess them up further.  In the end though, I think that a big part of the job there is just to listen to people who may not have anyone else to talk to them and who can help them take the next step.

And tonight I get to be in charge!  Oh the abuses of power will be rampant!  Well… at least to the extent that one can abuse the ability to hand out forms to the volunteers…  So I’m off there now so that I can be ready to help the thronging masses.

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