Monday, October 10, 2005

Causing panic

As mentioned, I’m something of a slacker when it comes to my homework.  Take last night for instance.  As part of my grade for my Constitutional Interpretation in Congress class (taught by a federal circuit court judge widely rumored to be on the short list for the supreme court, but tragically skipped over twice (but he’s not bitter)), I’m required to write 2, 5 to 10 page papers expounding on a section from our textbooks.  The papers have to be electronically submitted by 6:00 am the morning before the class in which we are supposed to discuss them.  I’ve know about this paper requirement since  the beginning of the school year.  I’ve had my topic selected for almost as long.  I had an entire week free from classes in which to write my paper, and so naturally I was at the law library at 7:00 pm last night thinking I should probably start on that paper…  

Many hours later…  I’m not done yet but the library closes down at 11:00 pm so I decided to pack up my belongings and head home.  I don’t normally drive home since I live on the TRAX line but it was cold and I was in a foul mood so I decided my convenience was worth the money I’d spend in gas.  I live in downtown Salt Lake in a high-rise condominium.  Parking facilities are underneath the building.  At any rate, I get into my parking garage and make it to the elevator room where a middle aged Asian woman was waiting for the elevator to arrive.  I recognize her as my neighbor from across the hall on my floor.  So I said a quiet hello and we proceeded to wait in silence for the elevator.  It arrived, we enter, she presses the button and we wait.  The elevator arrives on our floor; we get off and turn down the hallway to the right.  I was trying to be respectful so I gave her a head start and I noticed as she was walking, she kept looking over her shoulder at me.  I thought she was just being rude and kept walking.  Then as we got to the point where she should have turned left to go into her house, she instead makes a right turn and starts fiddling with the lock on mine!  I quickly caught up to her and was about to demand that she explain her actions.  She shot me a panicked look and that’s when I caught a glimpse of the unit number.  It was 506.  I live in 606.  I was on the wrong floor.  This middle aged Asian was not my neighbor.  She turned out to be my neighbor’s cousin (which explains the resemblance) from the floor below.  So here I was, chasing this poor woman down, scaring the heck out of her when all she wanted to do was go home.  When I realized my mistake I stood there for a moment and said, lamely, “Oh.  I guess I don’t live here, do I?”  Then I chuckled softly…  She was absolutely silent.  I took this as my cue to go on and explain my actions as best I could.  “I got off on the wrong floor… hahaha...”  At that point, she realized I wasn’t a desperate criminal, just a confused student and she smiled and forgave my mistake…  Then I went home.  Good times.  I’m just glad she didn’t have any pepper spray. Ouch!

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