Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Vacation Photos

So I was gently reprimanded today that I had not followed through with my earlier promise to upload some vacation photos. Such a slacker!

If you must know, I haven't uploaded the photos heretofore because I'm not entirely sure how to do so. I guess I'll make an attempt here. No one will be more surprised than this guy if I succeed.

Well... Maybe. Sunny, warm and wonderful, no?

Friday, July 18, 2008

Technological irony

Currently struggling to make it through the Utah state bar convention
- struggling after my wild night in sun valley - and now we're
listening to a presentation from the co founder of Apple computers. It
is actually pretty interesting but I'm only half paying attention
because I'm too busy playing on my Iphone. I'm using his own
technology against him. Muhaha!

Sent from my Iphone.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Mediation training continues.

For our "working lunch" we watched the movie Turning Loose, which I
was surprised to learn was not about Danielle. I submit that we should
have more parables about horses. I'd be much more engaged.

Mediation Training:Day 2

Inspired by recent events I have decided to resume the tedious work of
blogging as a way to avoid the tedium of the mediation training. Not
that its all bad, I'm just having a hard time paying attention to
anything today. I hate this early morning crap. I really should try to
get some more sleep. Especially since tonight I have my joint training
session with danielle. I am so sore from yesterday but no matter how
much I hurt I will not give her the satisfaction of beating me.
Internal trauma be damned- I will out perform her!

Sent from my phone.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Just now I have hopefully configured my high tech toy to allow me to
blog on the go, so to speak. As this seems to be a period of doubt and
uncertainty for me, maybe I'll respond by blogging?

We'll see...

Sent from my phone

Sent from my phone.